Hi folks,

I know, I had had this issue some years ago, but forgot, how I could fix it.

The problem is the following:

I am running Debian/stable with Libreoffice (ok, this is not the 
problem :)  ) 

But: When I start Libreoffice, then the logo appears, the progress bar is 
showing about 25 percent, then hangs for about 1 Minute. After it libreoffice 
going on further starting and is then running without any problems.

I remeber, that the last time it had something to do with the network 
settings. Libreoffice is searchin for an IP, but could not find it, then 
into a timeout (the 1 minute I mentioned above) and then after it, going on 

Of course this is annoying.

I remember, the fix was antering the IP of the computer it is running into a 
file below /etc. Dunno, if it is /etc/hosts or similar.

The host has got a fixed IP address, here

Strange thing: If I login from the host into the host by using 

"ssh -X -l myusername"

then soffice is starting at once and without any break.

For searching the reoson of the break, I also tried to start soffice by using 
strace, but that gave me no clue.

Reinstallation of Libreoffice and purging ~/.config/libreoffice* did not help.

Maybe, the is also related to this: Sometimes, but not everytime, Libreoffice 
pops a window up, telling, "....it does not find a proxy network script..."

I checked, there is no proxy set, neither in the operating system, nor in 
Libreoffice itself. If there is a choice of setting, all proxy settings are set 
ot "NONE" or "System". However, this proxy-thingi appears only sometimes and 
may not cause any harm., Just wanted to mention it.

It would be nice, if one could give me some hints, where to look and what can 
I do, to check of this issue.

I am very sure, it is a setting problem and NOT a bug.

Thanks for any help!

Best regards


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