> This should be the Intel 4500 integrated gpu, which is part of
> the i915/i965 family. It needs:
> - an intel kernel module

According to `lsmod | grep '^i'` I have `i915` loaded.  Is that the one?

> - X11 running the intel video driver

Interesting.  I was using the `modesetting` driver.
So I installed `xserver-xorg-video-intel` and then put

    % cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    Section "Device"
            Identifier      "Intel Corporation 965GM"
            Driver          "intel"

to force Xorg to use that `intel` driver (since apparently by default
nowadays it tries only `vesa`, `fbdev`, and `modestting`).

The end result appears to be the same, tho :-(
At least, all the error messages I get are the same.

> - libva-drm2
> - libva-x11-2
> - libva2
> - i965-va-driver


> It will support MPEG2 accelerated decoding but not H264, H265 or
> any of the newer codecs -- and Youtube may not be supplying old
> codecs these days.

That might be part of the problem, indeed.
Tho the `vainfo` failure suggests that even MPEG2 isn't working.

I tried to view an MPEG2 video with totem/xine/mplayer and that didn't
work either (it doesn't eat up all the CPU, instead they just "sit
there", sometimes emitting the same kind of VA errors as shown earlier).


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