On Thu, 1 Feb 2024, Dmitry wrote:


1. Creating GPT table and GPT partition with fdisk.
2. Copy data with a debootstrap.
3. Chroot into newly creating system.

I need to prepare that system for booting.
1. Install Kernel.
2. Install GRUB and Configure.
3. Add changes to UEFI to start booting.

And at the point two (Install GRUB) I a little bit confused.

1. Need to create ESP, and put GRUB there.
2. Need to configure GRUB to select appropriate kernel and ramdisk.

I'm not exactly sure what you're doing. But the "trick" to doing most of
this in a chroot is to bind mount /dev, /proc, /sys and /run into the

Then things like installing the kernel, building the initrd etc
(usually) just work.

"Add changes to UEFI to start booting" depends on the actual hardware
that will boot. If you're preparing images on one system to boot on
another then that bit you'll have to solve by booting the hardware.

I'd probably pick a live distro but it's theoretically[1] possible to
generate your own bootx64.efi that will then boot your system. Once it's
booted you can then use the normal tools to replace it with a more
easily maintained debian solution.

[1] Not just theoretical, I've actually done it once long ago.

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