I'm running Debian 12 (bookworm), using GNOME 43.9 under Wayland. I
installed Firefox 122.0.1 from the Mozilla binaries as described on
the Debian Wiki [1].

Drag-and-drop actions with Firefox seem to be broken under Wayland.
For example, when I switch to Xorg, I can drag-and-drop links from
Chromium to Firefox in order to open them in Firefox, and I can select
multiple Firefox tabs (with Shift+click) and then drag them away from
the tab bar in order to move them to a new window. These actions do
nothing under Wayland.

Since I've installed Firefox directly from Mozilla, I can't justify
reporting this as a Debian bug. However, I'm curious if anyone running
Debian sid (unstable) can reproduce this bug with the `firefox`
package installed via the Debian APT repos.

I've already reported this bug via Bugzilla [2]. If anyone can
reproduce this issue with Firefox 122 under Wayland on any version of
Debian, and you'd like to see it fixed, please add a comment on the
Bugzilla issue (linked below) so that we can get this issue more

Or, please let me know if there's some post-install configuration I
need to do in order to fix drag-and-drop for Firefox 122 on Debian 12
under Wayland.

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/Firefox#From_Mozilla_binaries
[2] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1878811

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