Dnia 2024-02-23, o godz. 13:02:00
Nicolas George <geo...@nsup.org> napisał(a):

> Mariusz Gronczewski (12024-02-23):
> > That is not a feature systemd's logging have.  
> That is what it seems, but I would like second opinions.
> >                                             You'd have to make a
> > rsyslogd rule to put it in one directory  
> Thanks, but my question was about systemd's infrastructure. Answers
> about the old systlog/logrotate infrastructure are a waste of time
> since I already know how they work and they are amply documented
> elsewhere.

So to say it short: It is horrid. There is no any sensible indexing or
split between services or anything. Single spamming service can easily
make it rotate out more important but much more rare log entries and
there is nothing you can do about it.

It is also woefully inefficient, with each "line" of log taking few
times more than it does in text or even if thrown into SQLite database.

For example:

[13:37:01]cthulhu:/var/log/journal☠ ls -s -h /tmp/log.sqlite
79M /tmp/log.sqlite
[13:37:12]cthulhu:/var/log/journal☠ sqlite /tmp/log.sqlite 'select count(*) 
from log'
journalctl |wc -l
[13:37:48]cthulhu:/var/log/journal☠ journalctl |dd of=/dev/zero bs=1M
0+15442 records in
0+15442 records out
63643115 bytes (64 MB, 61 MiB) copied, 5,47791 s, 11,6 MB/s
du -h /var/log/journal/
337M    /var/log/journal/44cf6f547971fc33309d1e9e000002e7
337M    /var/log/journal/

(I've raised a bug 8 years ago about it 
https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/2460 )

To summarize: the ~61MB of resulting text of logs takes around 337MB 
on disk when saved by journald, ~80MB in sqlite (~103MB when I added 
index for time and process). Use the old ways you know, it's a waste 
of time to try to wrangle journald to do what you want.

Mariusz Gronczewski (XANi) <xani...@gmail.com>
GnuPG: 0xEA8ACE64

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