I've just set up a new computer with Debian Testing. I initially set it up
without a swap partition, but I want to add it now. The partition has
already been created as a LUKS2 partition, but I can't get update-initramfs
to add it so it will automatically be decrypted at boot (both have same
passphrase, but opposed to using the bootup passphrase or ask for a
separate one, I'm only asked much later by grub. Running update-initramfs
-ck all gives me this error:

update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-6.6.15-amd64
cryptsetup: WARNING: target 'luks-78362aa3-760c-41de-b911-6531b684e3f7' not
    found in /etc/crypttab

but /etc/crypttab has these two lines, just like I did on my old device:

UUID=775ea946-6797-4c4d-a042-72924309f3d2     /crypto_keyfile.bin
UUID=78362aa3-760c-41de-b911-6531b684e3f7     /crypto_keyfile.bin

So it clearly doesn't miss from the crypttab. Though I can'ft check if the
second partition has a crypto_keyfile.bin, as it is a swap partition and I
have no idea how to look inside. For completeness, that's the fstab:

UUID=F5D8-8C91                                        /boot/efi      vfat
 defaults,noatime 0 2
/dev/mapper/luks-775ea946-6797-4c4d-a042-72924309f3d2 /              btrfs

0 0
/dev/mapper/luks-775ea946-6797-4c4d-a042-72924309f3d2 /home          btrfs

0 0
/dev/mapper/luks-78362aa3-760c-41de-b911-6531b684e3f7 swap           swap
 defaults,noatime,discard   0 0
tmpfs                                                 /tmp           tmpfs
  defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0

and this is the command line in /etc/default/grub (of course I did run
update-grub afterward):

root=/dev/mapper/luks-775ea946-6797-4c4d-a042-72924309f3d2 splash

I even created the file /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume containing the
line "RESUME=UUID=luks-78362aa3-760c-41de-b911-6531b684e3f7", also no
In the meantime, I also tried adding the initramfs option in crypttab, yet
no change. Upon inspecting the created initramfs by unpacking it
with unmkinitramfs, I can see the initramfs does contain crypttab twice.
The one in main/etc/crypttab is identical to the one in my system, but the
one in main/cryptroot/crypttab is missing the second entry of the swap

Also, since then I've done a reboot and now when gdm would load I'm only
greeted by a strange white screen telling my something happened the system
can't recover from and that I should talk to my admin (or something like
that). I was still able to switch tty. So while I'm not sure if that's even
related, I tried to remove the swap partition from fstab, crypttab, grub
and the resume file. But the same error kept happening over and over again.
So I booted to a live USB (of 12.5), chrooted into the system without
mounting the swap partition to try to run "update-initramfs -ck all" from
there. But now it even refuses to find the root partition in crypttab.

Now, is this a bug in the package or am I missing something? And how do I
create a working initramfs now?


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