Pardon, wrong list or wrong language!

What I want to say is that my Sound Card ALi 5451 is mute under kernel
2.6.1 and ALSA

Jan Ulrich Hasecke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Mit Alsamixer kann ich alles Mögliche, bis auf PCM einstellen. Dort
> tut sich nichts. 

I can set many things with alsamixer, except PCM. 

> aplay läuft ohne Fehlermeldung durch, zeigt die Rate an und dass
> xy.wav mono ist.

aplay runs without errors, showing rate and other infos of the file.

Some informiations about my settings.

> lsmod
> Module                  Size  Used by
> snd_ali5451            22660  0 
> snd_ac97_codec         54468  1 snd_ali5451
> snd_pcm                97892  1 snd_ali5451
> snd_page_alloc         11812  1 snd_pcm
> snd_timer              24484  1 snd_pcm
> /etc/init.d/alsa restart
> Storing ALSA mixer settings ... done.
> Shutting down ALSA (version 0.9.7): done.
> Starting ALSA (version 0.9.7): ali5451.
> Restoring ALSA mixer settings ... done.
> dpkg -l alsa* | grep ii
> ii  alsa-base      0.9.8-3        ALSA sound driver common files
> ii  alsa-headers   0.9.8-3        ALSA sound driver header files
> ii  alsa-utils     0.9.8-1        Advanced Linux Sound Architecture
> (utils)
> dpkg -l liba* | grep Advanced
> ii  libasound1     0.5.10b-1      
> ii  libasound2     0.9.8-2        
> ii  libasound2-dev 0.9.8-2        
> ii  libasound2-plu 0.9.8-2        

When I first tried 2.6.1 I heard sound, but cannot get to this state

I am confused by the package alsa-base where I must select a modul
while I had selected it in the kernel.

Sorry for the inconvenience!


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