I've built up a woody box for general testing, learning, and
destroying.  Its not a box in production and if it completely dies I
won't care. 

I prefer postfix as my MTA and would like to try out some of the
features in the snapshots that aren't available in the release
versions (like greylisting and anvil).  I've tried a couple of ways
to build the snapshot from source, but so far nothing has worked. 

I run woody as my distro, but I have my sources set to unstable and
I've gotten pretty good at building (I guess it's really
backporting?) unstable packages from source.  So, I started my
little project by downloading the unstable source for postfix
(2.0.18), getting all the dependencies solved, and making a working
package.  That went well. 

Next I downloaded the snapshot source and tried a few things with no

First, I made a diff file between the 2.0.18 orig source and the
snapshot and patched the 2.0.18 source folder with the diff file.  I
then hand edited the files that would not patch, which were quite a
few since I hadn't taken into account the patch that the source
distribution applied to the original source.  That failed in
compilation fairly spectacularly. 

Next, I tried applying the 'postfix_2.0.18-1.diff' patch file that
is part of the source package to the extracted snapshot source, hand
edited the problem files, swaped that directory in place for the
postfix-2.0.18 that was created by the apt-get source postfix, and
"dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b" from inside 'postfix-2.0.18'.  It worked
some, but eventually errored out in compilation. 

If specific error messages would be helpful, I'll try everything
again and post the results.  Right now I'm looking more for
confirmation that I'm on the right track philosophically. 

I have been able to compile the snapshot on its own without
problems, but that doesn't get me the options I want (like TLS) and
it's not a very debian friendly way to do things. 

I figure at this point I have three options...
 1) wait patiently for a release of postfix 2.1 and the corresponding 
unstable source package
 2) wait patiently in hopes that LaMont Jones (who is dong a great job 
BTW) will make an
 unstable source package from a snapshot release.
 3) keep whacking at it on my own following the advice I get from 
others who have tried similar things. 
I get the feeling that I'm trying to do something that is fairly
difficult, but on the other hand it seems like it shouldn't be that
hard to make happen either.  Please, someone set me strait. 

Thanks for your help,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.cutthatout.com  Seattle, WA  USA
I can't spell and I don't care.
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