On Sun, Feb 01, 2004 at 09:57:40AM -0500, Paul Morgan wrote:
> On Sun, 01 Feb 2004 00:44:34 -0800, Nano Nano wrote:
> [snip]
> > 
> > I guess my point is we are a smart bunch of people and if we stay quiet 
> > we can have all we want and no one will bother us.  That's all.  I've 
> > seen bigger movements than this go down.
> Very elegantly put, Nano, my congratulations on your parable.  My
> agreement, too :)
> -- 
> ....................paul
> It is important to realize that any lock can be picked with a big
> enough hammer.
>                -- Sun System & Network Admin manual

I keep hearing how Usenet is dead, and how the RIAA, MPAA has made inroads in their
battle against piracy. When was the last time you looked at the alt.binaries news 

Usenet been their from the start, and from the look of it will still be their after
the P2P flavor of the month dies out.  Whats funny is people think that Usenet is
slow, its not I can on a regular basis get 300-350kps on most of my connections.

In fact I do not dare use most P2P software, that includes bittorrent, I just can not 
who might be watching, what worms and viri I might catch.  Yet I trust a paid 
such as are available now, they claim complete anonymous uploads, if that is what you 

I do agree the average person, who only wants to point and click is having a harder 
getting his ware's.  But I prefer it that way, if someone cannot or does not want to 
the many Howto's and guides about Usenet then thats on them. Also if you think Usenet 
is not
for you, you can always use IRC.  Most masive downloaders I know do not use anything 
but Usenet,
some might be part of private FTP servers, such things.  But its just easier to point
them to the Usenet and a paid Usenet server company. Chances are you might not have 
the stuff
they want anyway. 

So why would I need to be quiet? What is at risk, I can tell you its not Usenet!


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