Adam Aube wrote:
On Tuesday 17 February 2004 11:58 am, john gennard wrote:
Now, I have compiled 2.4.24 kernels on both (I'm looking at
2.6.2 for Sarge in due course!), but I cannot use the adsl
for 'apt-get' on either when I boot into 2.4.24.

'route -vnee' and 'ifconfig' show the dhcp server has not
allocated an IP addess etc.

Are CONFIG_PACKET and CONFIG_FILTER defined in your kernel config? That's 
a common mistake (that I myself have made) when building custom kernels.


CONFIG_PACKET is included but not CONFIG_FILTER - I'll have to
recompile and hope that fixes the first of my problems.

Thanks, Adam.

Regards,	John.

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