* David ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [040219 04:25]:
> [...]  I had thought about purging the old exim
> to clean up my system, but am afraid that there _might_ be some overlap
> and I might remove something that exim4 needs.  Oh, well.. it's just a
> few files anway...

No, exim4 shouldn't be using anything from your old exim files.  You
might still want to keep your old exim 3 config file around for
reference, but it isn't needed for proper operation of exim4.  I usually
remove it (possibly copying exim.conf into $HOME first) because
otherwise it annoys me when tab-completing "exim4".  Actually, the last
few systems I've installed, I never installed exim3 at all -- just
installed exim4 straightaway by manually editing sources.list .

good times,
                                                --Nick Moffitt
A: No.
Q: Should I include quotations after my reply?

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