
Anyone want to share their expertise.  I have
a Delta66 card with ALSA.  I have no clue
what all the controls mean in alsamixer.

I can either play a soundfile through one or both
speakers or I can get a mike working through one
or both speakers. I think I have been able to get
a soundfile to play through one speaker and get
a mike working on the other speaker.

I cannot get a soundfile to play through both speakers
while having the mike work on both/one speaker.

I think my main problem is documentation for all
the controls on the Delta666 in alsamixer.

Can anyone point me to documentation on what all
the mixer controls are?  Or, can someone take the
time to help me understand this setup?

I eventually plan on using ecasound for multitrack
recording but I think my first step is in understaning
the alsamixer controls for the Delta66.


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