Mark Roach wrote:
On Thu, 2004-04-15 at 00:13 +0100, Andy Morris wrote:
... i made a simple program to count from 0 to a parameter x number of times, test data was to count 0-999999999 100 times. XP box did it in 3mins 10 secs, linux 5 mins 4 secs ( i did this numerous times and results were always v similar).

Well, now you know that if you want to do something (pointless) like that as quickly as possible, then you should use windows :-)

This certainly may have implications for computation intensive applications. I don't think it would overly surprise anyone if it were discovered that Sun's Linux JVM performs poorer than its Window's counterpart. I'm sure such tests have already been performed in detail elsewhere.

However, I agree that the test described above by itself can't really tell us anything of interest.

Perhaps you should perform the test with multiple data sets (iterations) to approximate the rate at which the performance gap will increase.


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