Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>       Right. Leads to a lot of soul searching -- I no longer know
>  whether I am helping or hurting my candidate by expressing my true
>  preference. 
>       I should not be put in this position.

worst case scenario: everyone feels the way you do. no one votes.
two week discussion period resumes, or the amendment is withdrawn.

second worst case scenario: a lot of people feel the way you do, few
people vote. less than quorum. two week discussion period resumes, as
per sponsors wishes (he hopes to get more people interested). people
still have not changed their minds. not enough people vote. two week
discussion period resumes. repeat this 26 times, and a whole year has
gone by with no action whatsoever.

eventually, people will get tired of seeing this measure and will either
vote, come to a workable compromise (where competing options are
removed), or the sponsor will tire of the attempt.

that is the price you will have to pay for apathy, regardless.


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