
In your platform you list "Ensuring the community remains safe and fun"
as your first priority for the next term.

I need to ask why you think in this term you will manage to do so, when
I believe you failed to do so in the last year.

Some context for the rest of the readers.

For many years, my main involvement in Debian has been helping with
DebConf. I was delegated as DebConf Chair by Lucas in August 2014, a
position I held until October 2015 when all three chairs resigned in block.

I resigned because I could not withstand the burnout any more, the
sleepless nights, and being in anger all the time.

For me, all that harm came mostly from one determined person, and a few
followers. Many current and former DebConf-team members agree with this

This person, and a couple others can be blamed directly for the burnout,
resignations, and vacations many valuable volunteers took during my tenure.

The DPL at the time knew about this, but he did nothing to improve the

After you were elected as DPL, me and many other people spent loads of
time discussing with you the problems within DebConf: political and

Later last year, a large number of long-time core DebConf organisers
asked you to find a way to remove from the team the person we all agreed
caused the most damage.

After two months, you came up with a compromise that I found severely
insufficient. To this day, I can see that not even that compromise
solution was followed.

I am not coming back to DebConf-team, other people I know are not going
back either, or have drastically reduced their involvement. We've burned
through many volunteers along the years, our most precious resource.

It seems that Debian has not yet managed to get rid of the “But he does
good work” mentality.

Martín Ferrari (Tincho)

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