On 25/03/2017 13:52, martin f krafft wrote:
> Dear Mehdi,
> among your priorities for your next term, should you get elected, is
> "Ensuring the community remains safe and fun". Yet, I cannot find
> much about that in your platform.
> Could you elaborate how you're intending to ensure a safe and fun
> community?

Last year, I had to find new volunteers for the Anti-Harrassment team.
Since then, I pinged the team regularly (by mail or by discussing over
IRC with some of its members) to make sure someone is dealing with mails.

I also tried to encourage press, anti-harassment and DAM teams to work
together whenever an issue comes up. I believe they should work tightly
together because they can have complementary roles in the same problem
and synchronization between them is quite important.

We have discussed with A.H. team about the idea of making a short report
about current issues and how the team dealt with them. This could be a
way to: a) inform project members regularly that they are active and
working on issues raised by individuals; b) be transparent about issues
Debian's community might be facing. Of course, the report would only mention
the nature of the problems and solutions brought by the team. It must
not disclose private information. Unfortunately, we did not make much
progress on this report, but I am convinced this is something we need.
And I really want to make this happen.

About Code of Conduct, I think it can be enhanced in two simple ways:
1) make consequences of misbehavior more explicit. We are really not
   only talking about banning members from mailing-lists, but persistent
   offenders can be truly banned from the project.
2) List contacts directly in the code of conduct and do not link to the
   organization page. The information about whom to contact in case of
   issues should be easy to find and we should force readers to go
   through a long list of teams.

The fun side is related to safety. People gather often to work together.
We should encourage them to meet and socialize. Encouraging more meetups
is a way. We should ask every team to try to organize a sprint. Make it
regular. In order to keep such events safe, we must remind attendees about
the values that are important to our community (which are well described
in our CoC and our diversity statement) and tell them which team to contact
in case of problems.


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