Thanks for the review!

On 18/12/13 21:42, intrigeri wrote:
> Hi,
> here's a quick initial review of the 1.5-1 packaging. Note that I've
> not looked at the upstream code, assuming some people better skilled
> than me in this area, in the Tor Project, have done this already.
> If this is not the case, please tell me.
> First of all, if this is your first serious packaging task, this is
> a high-quality result, and I'm impressed.
> 1. debian/copyright gives copyright 2011-2013 to David Fifield, while
>    the upstream source only mentions 2012. The correct place to fix
>    upstream copyright information, if that was the intent, is upstream
>    sources: we're merely relaying it in debian/copyright.
> 2. Please upgrade to the latest available standards-version.
> 4. Is the flashproxy-facilitator's dependency on python really needed?
>    I have nearly no experience in Python software packaging, but isn't
>    the role of ${python:Depends} to do just that?
> 6. A the facilitator's postinst depends on /usr/share/doc to be
>    available. This is a violation of Policy 12.3: "Packages must not
>    require the existence of any files in /usr/share/doc/ in order to
>    function." These files must be moved to /usr/share/$PACKAGE and may
>    be symlinked from /usr/share/doc/$PACKAGE.
> 7. In the facilator's postinst, instead of install + cat, you could
>    just use install to copy reg-email.pass where it belongs.
> 8. Why install symlinks in the facilitator's postinst, instead of ship
>    them in the package (e.g. with dh_link(1))? This would avoid the
>    need to remove them in postrm (and having to handle the case when
>    the administrator changed these files).

Fixed and pushed to git.

> 9. This comment leaves me thinking:
>     # NOTE: debian/rules build (which runs tests) must be run outside of 
> fakeroot
>     # since the tests open sockets, which fakeroot stubs out.
>    It could be worth supporting fakeroot environments, no?
>    Can't you detect fakeroot and (loudly) skip tests if applicable?
> 10. What does this mean, exactly?
>      # TODO(infinity0): handle better
>     Any potential issue you foresee?

I've elaborated the comments, neither are a problem. For (9), you are supposed 
to run `debian/rules build` separately outside of fakeroot anyways, and 
dpkg-buildpackage does this automatically. (As opposed to relying on `make` to 
automatically run (build) when you call `fakeroot debian/rules binary`, which 
would run it inside the fakeroot.)

> 3. Please make the package Lintian -clean, if possible in pedantic
>    mode, e.g. like this:
>      lintian --info --display-info --pedantic --color auto *.changes
>    Lintian has good advices for you, e.g. using DEP-3 for the
>    Debian-specific patch to indicate it should not be forwarded
>    upstream :)

Fixed - The only two left IMO are false positives:

- debian-watch-file-is-missing: currently N/A, upstream does not release the 
tarballs separately outside of git tags. I work closely enough with upstream 
that it's not so important anyways.
- using-first-person-in-description: does not exactly apply, "we" used here is 
descriptive and neutral rather than instructive.

> 11. I find it a bit scary not to install the upstream LICENSE file,
>     and to rely on Debian's copyright instead. As soon at the Debian
>     packaging misses an upstream update (and they are *already* in
>     mismatch, actually), then we're violating the upstream license.
>     I recommend installing the upstream LICENSE file.

Unfortunately that results in a lintian warning:

I've fixed LICENSE in a patch anyways, which has also been applied upstream.

> 5. We don't ship software in Debian that has dependencies outside
>    Debian to be useful at all. So, in the current state of things, the
>    node-flashproxy binary package (and its README.Debian) is a no-no.
>    Time to ping Mike Gabriel on #721558 (and offer your help if you
>    wish), perhaps.
> 12. I have not tested the resulting binary packages with piuparts.
>     I suggest you do it if you can afford it: discovering issues
>     before the QA team knocks at the door is nicer both for them, and
>     for you :)

I'll deal with these last two points and follow-up to this email.

Thanks again!



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