Hi David, Thomas,

Wanted to package onion myself and while David may or may not would
like me as a co-maintainer, I'm here to help him get onion properly
packaged and uploaded.
I don't have problems with upstream have debian/ in its tree. Source
format 3.0 (quilt) is here to replace with the official Debian one.

But there are important upstream bugs.
First, the source needs to be repackaged to be DFSG, as
examples/oterm/static/jquery-1.4.3.min.js is minified and needs to be
Then libraries are not versioned. Only *.so's are produced. :( Please
read point 3.1.1 [1] to understand why this is important.

Other problems are there. For example no manpages for the binaries.
The current standards-version is 3.9.5 . Also, debian/copyright is
just a template. Attached a mostly finished one, which still doesn't
cover the examples, tests or tools (those are AGPLv3+) nor
src/onion/sd-daemon.[ch] (MIT).

[1] http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Program-Library-HOWTO/shared-libraries.html

Attachment: copyright
Description: Binary data

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