* Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008:01:12 08:29 -0600]: 
> > followed by discussion of and links to NSFW stuff.


> Also, regarding porn in general, which you seem to have mentioned...
> minefield, and something I'm very ambivalent about. 

Just as a note: NSFW does not necessarily imply porn, IMO, so a
discussion of the ethics of porn is out of place here.

> Whenever I'm around the #debian and #debian-offtopic channels, I try
> to make it a point to ridiculise anyone who says something blatantly
> sexist or otherwise bigoted, which I think is the best thing that boys
> can do to give other boys the message that their joke wasn't funny nor
> appropriate.

I agree with this.

off the chain like a rebellious guanine nucleotide

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