On Tue, Aug 07, 2018 at 04:49:23PM -0300, Tassia Camoes Araujo wrote:
> If we follow your suggestion, than it might be better to run this
> session in an open space, as opposed to an auditorium? Would it work
> as a daily moment of "checkin" in one of the hacklabs? Or just after
> lunch, at the cafeteria?

the question of when is a bit tricky, yes.

for the location I think a space where we can form a big circle
(elipse) would work best, so probaly neither the food space nor an
auditorium, maybe the hacklab or a big corridor. (in hamburg we did it
in the hacklab).

On Wed, Aug 08, 2018 at 08:32:14AM -0300, Tassia Camoes Araujo wrote:
> > This feels like you already need to be very much self aware and have a
> > lot of self esteem, and hence I don't think this format is suitable - it
> > might be too exclusive.
> Thanks for bringing this up. I agree that some people would not feel
> confortable to speak, so it might not be as effetive. But I still think
> that having such a space in DebConf would be beneficial, and we would
> have a challenge at hands, that is to create a welcoming environment for
> all, making sure that people feel safe to speak.
yup. of course not everyone will be speak in such setting, but some more
will, even if 'only' to say 'hi, i'm new here and i would like to learn
more about foo' or some such. also new people can learn what others are
doing and then approach them privately and mentor type people can see whom
they could help or who is to shy to speak in a circle etc.

IOW: it helps and lowers barriers, so its not perfect, some barriers
will still exist.

> > But! I like what they do at those IETF meetings, where everybody can
> > write on their badge "Talk to me about…" And then all sorts of things,
> > technical or non-technical can be filled in. I believe this lowers the
> > barrier and I'd be very much in favor of such a thing.

this years badges allowed for this and writing ones interests was
encouraged, iirc :)

> Another idea:
> Maybe we could print a huge "map of Debian contributions", set it up
> in a convenient place (not hidden in the corner) with enough space
> for people to sign in their names beside the areas they work on, or that
> they would like to talk to people about. 

/me likes

If we follow your suggestion, than it might be better to run this
session in an open space, as opposed to an auditorium? Would it work
as a daily moment of "checkin" in one of the hacklabs? Or just after
lunch, at the cafeteria?



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