Le 29/10/2017 à 05:17, Paul Wise a écrit :
> Probably the easiest we can do is list popular operating system and
> hardware category combinations:
> Laptop after 2006 running Apple macOS -> amd64
> Laptop before 2006 running Apple macOS -> powerpc (but probably no
> longer supported)
> Tablet running Apple iOS -> sorry no support unless you are a hardcore hacker
> Smartphone running Apple iOS -> sorry no support unless you are a
> hardcore hacker
> Laptop running Microsoft Windows -> amd64
> Tablet running Microsoft Windows -> amd64
> Tablet running Microsoft Windows RT -> sorry no support
> Smartphone running Google Android -> sorry no support unless you are a
> geek or are willing to use one of the chroot apps.
> Laptop running Google Chrome -> sorry no support unless you are a geek
> Weird IoT devices -> uh, could be any of mips mipsel armel armhf,
> probably not supported unless you are a geek
> Server -> amd64
> Old server -> sparc64?
> New server from IBM -> ppc64el
> Server from companies selling ARM stuff -> arm64
> Router -> uh, could be any of mips mipsel armel armhf, probably not
> supported unless you are a geek
> Mainframe -> s390x
> Other -> ??

I think it would be nice to have this list or a sentence explaining
amd64 is probably the right choice:

"For current desktops and laptops, amd64 is the right architecture."

I wonder where is a best place to insert it. Perhaps in
https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/installmanual ?

In we insert the list, I think 'server' and 'old server' should include
an approximate date (2000?). However, people using sparc64 (ou itanium,
etc.) knows they have an uncommon architecture. So, in my opinion, the
more important is to provide an hint for amd64 users.


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