That is because program run into recursion:
Segmentation fault$^P
Actually I should disable first bit:
local $^P = $^P & ~1
my $all = $this->get_all_symbols;

but the $^P does not work at runtime. Because the 'JMP' ops are created at 
compile time.
but the perl may check first $^P bit at run time. And if it is not set do not 
pass control to DB::sub/lsub/goto. And in compile time create 'JMP' not to 
DB::sub but to the 
DB::_sub {
     &DB::sub   if $^P & 1;
same code for goto and lsub. 

This seems simple to fix.

09.12.2015, 13:07, "KES" <>:
> Here the another 'segmentation fault'
> $cat
> my $x;
> $ cat Devel/PkgATCompileTime;
> package Devel::PkgAtCompileTime;
> use Devel::ImportArgs;
> 1;
> $cat Devel/ImportArgs;
> package Devel::ImportArgs;
> sub import {
> }
> package # hide the package from the PAUSE indexer
>     DB;
> use Package::Stash;
> my $this = Package::Stash->new( 'DB' );
> sub sub {
>         # I feel this is a crazy thing and I should not do it here. But 
> occasionally I have did it.
>          my $all = $this->get_all_symbols;
>          &$DB::sub;
> }
> sub DB {
> }
> 1;
> $ perl -d:PkgAtCompileTime
> Segmentation fault
> 07.12.2015, 16:05, "Shlomi Fish" <>:
>>  Hi KES,
>>  I was able to reduce the code significantly and it seems to be caused by
>>  Time::HiRes:
>>  I was also able to reproduce it on the latest bleadperl. I'm going to report
>>  this bug.
>>  Thanks!
>>  Regards,
>>          Shlomi Fish

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