>Is there a way to have multiple actions taken on a single test.  For
>instance, I'd like to add a WARN message to a header and HOLD it.
>I tried adding multiple lines but that didn't seem to work.  I also tried a
>space delimited list.

There isn't a way to have multiple actions per test.  However, there is a 
way you may be able to get around this if necessary.  You can define two 
different copies of the same test.  For example, the RBL test is defined as 
"RBL ip4r rbl.maps.vix.com".  You could then add "RBL2 ip4r 
rbl.maps.vix.com", which would create a new test called "RBL2" 
that would be identical to the RBL test.  Then, in the end of the 
global.cfg file (for outgoing E-mail) and the $default$.JunkMail file(s) 
(for incoming mail), you would add "RBL2 HOLD" (or whatever you wanted the 
second action to be).

I haven't tested it, but it should work.  It would add some extra redundant 
DNS traffic, however.

>If not a way to do it now I'd like to do something like this in the future.
>Or perhaps modify the HOLD action to add some sort of warn message.

The ability to have multiple actions officially implemented in Declude 
JunkMail is on the "wishlist", and will likely be available at some point 
(although it may be a while).


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