>We haven't been able to use declude due to an issue we have with our server
>(the user32.dll issue).  With declude enabled, our server crashes 1 - 2
>times per week.

Have you tried v1.27a or higher, which includes Declude Queue ( 
http://www.declude.com/dq.htm ), which is designed to help with this?  It 
should help with the user32.dll issue.

>Our goal is to have two servers in the front line, both with liecensed
>copies of declude and imail of course, receiving mail for our domain.  Then,
>the filtered mail will arrive to our mail server.  I have a test domain that
>I am trying this on, without declude... just getting the mail to work right
>now.  The problem I am having is that I get the mail going in loops at

Do you have the headers of an E-mail this happened with, or log file 
entries?  That should help narrow down what is causing the loop.

>I have listed each peer in the imail server configs.

You probably will not want to use IMail's peering.  That's designed to 
split the load so that 1/2 of the accounts are on one server, and 1/2 on 
the other.  Mail will randomly go to one server or the other, and half the 
time will have to be forwarded to the other.  For most people, this doesn't 
really accomplish a whole lot.  You may want to disable the peering.


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