Title: [Declude.JunkMail] Odd log problem commenting an IP block

Anybody else seeing this?

I have a text file on which I use IPFilter, that holds my manually created blacklist from my old e-mail system:

#Nov-08-2002 AC This is our custom blacklist of IP addresses and subnets
BENTALLIPBL     ipfile D:\IMail\Declude\BentallIPBL.txt x       7       0

Which contains lines like: matched

But the comment I'm trying to add never matches up; I get a partial line at some random part of the comment and then a carriage return/line feed and then some more characters, like:

11/25/2002 19:28:19 Qea51019c009eaf11 Msg failed BENTALLIPBL (24
). Action="">

Note: I just replaced the comment on all of the 680 entries to the format you see above; the comments were previously all the same string, consisting only of alphanumerics and spaces.

Andrew Colbeck
Technical Specialist
IT Department
(604) 661-5047

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