
> > Many  people, including me, have asked IpSwitch to do something like
> > this.  Also  because  declude  does  NOT  get  called when e-mail in
> > entered  using  the  web interface.
> I  have  Declude  scanning all mail using an undocumented technique. I
> will post it, if you promise not to ask Scott directly (seriously).

Please pretty please. I have had one virus infetion on our PCs allready
because one test was distributed by e-mail to all teachers containing a
virus. It took me a while it was not caught by Declude because the e-mail
was entered via the web interface and not via a normail mailclient. :-(
I am very glad I have insisted in installing a virusscanner on all clients
eventhough the mailserver and most other servers are allready protected.
Nothing should have come through but......

> > IpSwitch  will simply not include this because it would cost them in
> > their virus version sales. :-(
> I  believe  it was actually a simple oversight on their part in IMAIL1
> that  hurts  them  as well, and I have faith that they will fix it the
> next time they work on that module. :)

Let's hope so. Simply having Declude scann all mail for virusses, and pretty
soon probably for spam as well, is simplicity itself and is pretty much an
"install and forget" issue. Only once in a while do I check the logs
and..... see that Declude is still doing it's work. :-)


Bonno Bloksma
.... Back up my hard drive? How do I put it in reverse?

[This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus using f-prot]

[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (http://www.declude.com)]

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