They belong on the same list as Citicorp & its subsidiaries.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Sanford Whiteman
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 2:54 AM
Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] OT: Pots & Kettles in the Clair de Lune


A  noteworthy  encounter  with  the  officious  admin of a combination
draconian/broken  server.  I  think my state of mind will be picked up
pretty  quickly  from  the following snippet. IPs and hosts changed to
protect  the not-so-innocent--including us, since I did screw up, too, but

>> ...our  firewall  does a reverse lookup. resolves 
>> as  these  two  IP  addresses  do  not  match, our 
>> firewall rejects the connection...
> This  strict  constraint is certainly not evident from the 421 message 
> returned by your server.
> Moreover,  your  own mail servers do not meet this requirement! Your 
> mail server at uses EHLO text--
> EHLO []
> --a violation of your own requirement, since the PTR,, 
> does  not  even  have  an A record at all. If ClientCo employed your 
> policy, *they* would reject *your* mail!
> This  EHLO  is  also  a  violation of RFC 2821, which states that an 
> address  literal is only allowed if a host has no name ( does 
> have  a PTR record, and therefore does have a name), and a violation 
> of the common test to see if EHLO and PTR match (since a PTR cannot, 
> by definition, resolve to an address literal).
> Though  I  appreciate  the  anti-spam utility of deeply verifying EHLO 
> arguments,  returning  a  4xx  code  rather  than a 5xx undermines any 
> "educational"  utility,  wasting  everybody's  bandwidth  and delaying 
> issue  resolution.  And  if  you  should  have occasion to review this 
> policy  in  the  future,  I do hope you consider that your own systems 
> violate it. :)
> Sincerely yours,
> Sandy


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

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