We have the ability to develop a whitelist by domain now, how about the
ability to create a individual blacklist, say something like this in
each junkmail file...

WHITELISTFILE  C:\maillists\cswanson\whitelist.txt
BLACKLISTFILE  C:\maillists\cswanson\blacklist.txt
The catch here is while they sound similar, whitelisting and blacklisting are very different beasts.

Whitelisting involves just one thing: If an E-mail is whitelisted, Declude makes sure that the E-mail is delivered in exactly the same way as it would be delivered if it did not fail any spam tests.

Blacklisting, however, is much more complicated. If an E-mail is blacklisted, should Declude JunkMail delete it? We can't do that, because Declude will never delete E-mail unless specifically requested to do so. Should it quarantine the E-mail? That would work for some people, but not everyone. Therefore, we would need to figure out some way of determining what action to take -- and then some people would probably want to have it factor into the weighting system. At that point, do we set it up so that each blacklist entry can have its own action/weight (which some people would want)? Or do we set up the blacklists exactly the same as standard tests (but, that can be done now, although it is tricky for per-user/per-domain blacklists)?

This is one of those features that it may be necessary to keep expanding and expanding, which could require major changes to the way that Declude JunkMail works.

[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (http://www.declude.com)]

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