I keep getting mail that slipps through that IMO shouldn't be that
hard to catch really...


They use a variant of the html comments but
the way they do it it don't get detected as a mail with to many html

Correct. Because if Declude JunkMail were count all the HTML tags, then all that Microsoft Word E-mail Garbage (those one line E-mails that turn into 10K E-mails) would get caught, and a lot of other legitimate HTML E-mail would get caught, too.

Below is a snippet of example text inside the html formated e-mail :

P<k73ch7b1tddy>en<kqjezab3w79ej>is En<kpv36t91gfs2>larg<ktwn2sd3kn7tq>eme<k63uv4i3njxxc>nt Pi<kxl9qjl2r3ervk>ll On The Ma<k9jgo17u5v244>rke<kth2amv3m1s>t!</font></font></font></b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica">* G<ksfvuh135aju042>ai<kndkb4w1ppwy192>n 3<kbq72kb2dv2xsd2>+ Full In<kn46ft9yw8p>ch<kwhb2wy27wls3>es In Leng<ka4vte11x26Leng<ka4vte11x26w>th</font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica">* Ex<kcay5sz12le0>pand Your Pe<kt70s753udaio49>nis Up To 20<kh3tfh82ejp1>%

Basically remove the <xxxxx> junk and you get the text.

That's exactly what the latest beta version does, so you can filter on it.

Since these are "invalid" html comments most e-mail clients just simply ignore the
"comment" text all together since it has the <> around the text.

Technically, these aren't invalid HTML comments, they are made-up HTML tags (which could be valid in the future). That's the problem. The only way to tell whether a tag is valid or not is to have a database of valid tags, which would be very expensive (CPU time, storage space, man-hours to gather the data and update it, false positives, etc.). If I recall correctly, HTML isn't even covered by the RFCs, which makes it more difficult to assess the tags.

IMO this should also have failed HTMLCOMMENTS  which it did not.
So my question.. Would it be possible to add the above "junk" as
detected html comment ?

In this case, we could say "OK, '<k73ch7b1tddy>' is a bogus HTML tag. And '<ksfvuh135aju042>' is a bogus HTML tag. And...", but a spammer could get around that simply by making another fake tag.

So the only alternatives seem to be either [1] Count all HTML tags and catch legitimate E-mail, or [2] Keep a database of HTML tags.

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