At 10:53 PM 9/6/2003 -0400, you wrote:
> Keep  in mind that known message sources would not be delayed - only
> new,  unknown  sources.  This  amounts  in principle to an automatic
> management  of  QOS  -  giving  some  preference  to traffic that is
> already established.

I  understand  the  idea,  but  I  still  disagree  strongly about its

Ok. I freely admit there are many situations where the concept would not work. It is clear this would not work for you and presumably the users you service. I completely understand.

I am personally involved with systems ranging from family and church groups that wish only to receive email from people who have their PL (Private List) code, to companies that refuse any kind of virus or email filtering out of fear/frustration that they might miss an important message. However, most folks (in my experience) seem to be somewhere in between, and for many of them this new mechanism would be a good choice.

> An installation with a low tolerance for delay might set that delay to 2
> hours or even less. This is often within the range of delays that might
> normally be experienced due to queue run cycles and so forth...

Not  on systems we manage. If 2 hours were the average delivery delay,
e-mail  would  not  have achieved mission-critical status. Like I said
before,  5-10 minutes can be written off. 2 hours is *always* remarked
upon  by users. With sufficient technical explanation, smoothing over,
or  obfuscation, users can tolerate such *occasional* shocks and still
keep their faith in SMTP. The more often it happens, and especially if
such  delays  are  a *feature*, the less people will use SMTP (or your

Without reopening the debate on wether this would work for your system(s), I suggest that you might not have a clear picture of how this would function in practice. Indeed the average delivery would be nearly identical to what you currently experience for the vast majority of email customers. In practice the delay would only be present in the case of a new contact on the very first message. All other experiences after that would have no delay. For most (at least in my experience) a delay in this very first message would generally not be perceived at all because there is generally no expectation of turnaround time when making an initial contact or introduction. (certainly, again, there are exceptions).

Additionally, in many business cases the clearing of the first message from the first contact within an organization would clear the delay for all subsequent contacts within that organization due to the key being on the source IP of the messages (generally the MTA of the new contact organization). Certainly there are exceptions and opportunities for additional delay instances in some cases (multiple MTAs - mobile users - etc) however these would be so "far and few between" that they would likely never be perceived by anyone not specifically testing for the case.

One final note in this segment - regarding 2 hours. The queue cycle time on your systems (and indeed on our systems) may be quite fast so that 2 hours would be detected as a problem to be fixed :-)... however there are many systems that regularly experience much longer delays when delivering messages across the net, and there are many factors that are involved... Granted this is not most systems... but again I will restate that the delay in this case would be imposed only on the very first message from an entirely new source... that is one message out of thousands in most scenarios.

Anyway - my choice of 2 hours was completely off the top of my head and meant only to be illustrative, not precise.

>  Some  systems  might  establish  different "quarantine periods" for
> different  groups  of users... for example setting a high quarantine
> period  for  the rank-and file of email addresses - those that would
> almost  exclusively  be receiving mail from already known senders...

"Almost  exclusively" is not "exclusively," and the difference is HUGE
and  deal-killing,  in  my  take. It's not just "publicized" addresses
that receive mail from new, vitally important senders. That's not true
in the real world.

I will grant, wholeheartedly that there are many cases where an implementation like this would be unworkable. I also recognize many cases where it would be not only workable but even desirable. We may disagree on the where the majority lies - but that is not ultimately important. What Scott has done so well is to create a system that is flexible enough to fit the needs of many different installations. I merely recommend this feature as one that might prove useful for some.

> In  this  context  one might almost make the argument that a message
> from  an  unknown  sender to an unpublished email address has a very
> high  likelihood of being spam on that basis alone...

??? What do you mean by "unpublished," actually?

Some organizations have a range of email addresses that are widely published for outside contact with the remainder of their email addresses closely guarded. They only provide these addresses to individuals with whom they have business and rarely, if ever, expect messages from anyone outside those circles. Many such addresses are not expected to ever receive email from outside the organization except perhaps from family members or other well established contacts -

Clients, peers, vendors, and so-forth are expected email sources for these addresses and tend to be well established, however other contacts would almost exclusively be entirely new and likely handled by referral or by personal contact. 1. A customer recommends their rep to a friend... that friend's first message might be delayed, but since it is introductory the delay would not be noticed. 2. An employee gives a card to a new contact, or otherwise gives out their email address... the first email coming from that contact would be delayed - in many cases this initial delay would not be a problem. Remember that all subsequent messages would be as close to "real-time" as the equipment would allow.

The majority of new contacts for this kind of organization would be sourced through their widely published email addresses (which would generally not impose any delays). Messages coming into these addresses would usually be screened by some handlers and then referred to the correct person(s) and/or department(s) internally. Indeed this scenario is often enforced as a strategy for handling incoming traffic.

> If  the  messages  were delivered to a web-readable file of any kind
> then  someone  would presumably need to move them to the appropriate
> location  at  some point...

No,  that  wasn't what I meant. I meant a "purgatory" MBX readable *by
the recipient* that is also managed by a background janitorial process
that either "stamps" a message as legit and moves it to the originally
intended  subarea (not always Main), or "stomps" a message as spam and

That is certainly another way this could be implemented.

deletes  it.  What this would allow is that closely attended mailboxes
will always be able to receive all mail nearly as quickly as currently
possible  (with  the  extra  step of scanning the purgatory mailbox if

I might recommend that if a mailbox is going to be so closely monitored it may not be a good candidate for the delay in the first place... but your "visible purgatory" option sounds like a good middle ground for these cases.

> As  a  tunable capability this mechanism _might_ be a strong tool to
> have  available for some systems. As with any powerful tool it would
> have to be used carefully.

I  see  it  as  having  the  most  utility  between, say, the hours of
midnight and 6 a.m....hours when lots of legit mail (bulletins and the
like)  comes  in,  accompanied  by lots of spam--yet none of the legit
mail needs to be read until the start of the working day.

Perhaps that's another feature that should be considered by Declude - the ability to change elements of the configuration according to a schedule... I can see the easiest way to do this would be to simply swap in the correct configuration file(s) using scheduled tasks, ... but there may be room for a built-in mechanism if enough of Scott's customers have such a need.

As for the new-source-quarantine feature, it should probably be implemented in a few different parts... One part is a simple test to indicate wether the source IP is on the known list. Another part is an action that can put the message either into a queue with a suitable delay attached. Perhaps another action to add or drop a "known source". With these elements in place it seems that a wide range of possible implementations might be achieved.

Anyway, it's just a thought.


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