Title: IP as REVDNS


I am just curious as to how legitimate it is to have IP showing up as the REVDNS.

Interesting enough we are seeing a series of spam coming where the REVDNS is showing up as just the REMOTEIP.

X-Declude-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
X-Declude-Spoolname: Dcb370162015e2560.SMD
X-Note: This E-mail was scanned & filtered by Declude [1.76i4] for SPAM & virus.
X-Weight: 42
X-Note: Sent from Reverse DNS:
X-Hello: wishbonedlvr.net

So I wonder if this could be a warning sign or someway to trap this with a test.

Other than spam I have not seen legitimate email showing this behavior.


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