I think this is something that good use could be made of in general with your conditional statements, i.e. NOTCONTAINS, NOTIS, NOTENDSWITH, etc. I would have to really rethink filtering again though :) I've been trying not to ask you for too much, but since the topic came up and you agreed, I thought I'd throw my two cents in, for all it's worth. Certainly there's no immediate need planned on my part, but I have thought countless times in the past that this could have achieved something that wasn't possible otherwise.


R. Scott Perry wrote:

You posted a filter that was a great idea.. namely GoodAOL. I have not seen the filter you indicated: NOTENDSWITH

Is that a filter.. I searched the archives but could not find anything.

I implemented it and am getting strange results. Just trying to make sure the NOTENDSWITH is not an idea you were asking for..

NOTENDSWITH will be added to the next release.


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