I see this as primarily being used in two ways
1. Reduce false positives by negative weighting larger files....maybe...
2. Stopgap for new viruses until new definitions are released by check for file size ranges (assuming a particular virus always sends similar file sizes).
Probably many other provider-specific uses for these kinds of plug-ins...

----- Original Message -----
From: serge
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 9:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] Test for message size and return codes

I would definetly be interested by the code
I suppose you are going to pass a size as a parameter to the script, and have the test pass or fail if the file is smaler/larger than the parameter ?
Also, I am curious about the test environement you are using, is this documentend somewhere? ho to call declude and collect the results to see if they are as expected ? Do you set a special test directory with local global.cfg and local logs?
Interested in devoloping some tests about size and number of "remote recipients" so we can delay large files to low traffic hours (bandwidth too expensive in here).
----- Original Message -----
From: Matt
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 12:50 AM
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] Test for message size and return codes

Thanks everyone for your help here.  The CScript method does in fact work!  Looks like I'll probably be able to get some of those other things taken care of as well now that I understand what was at issue here, or at least how to work around it.

Darin, I hear you loud and clear about the utility of having compiled code, and if you are still interested after I test a bit more, I may ask you for some assistance.  What I'll probably do is grab myself a copy of Visual Studio .Net and have a friend help me convert the vbscript to a VB.Net (if that's a good choice).  I suppose it wouldn't hurt to start learning VB.Net (ASP.Net) anyway.

When I get the file size test optimized (meaning figuring out what sizes are useful to tag), and I get the Sniffer bypasser running, I'll share the sources here.  I'm sure there are a lot of things that can be done over the long-term.



Darin Cox wrote:
Hi Matt,
What we're saying is to try this
    EXTERNALTEST            external    30    "cscript.exe C:\IMail\Declude\test.vbs"      0    0
instead of
    EXTERNALTEST            external    30    "C:\IMail\Declude\test.vbs"      0    0
Not sure, but you may have to provide a path to cscript.exe.  It should be in the %SYSTEMROOT%\system32 directory on your machine.

----- Original Message -----
From: Matt
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] Test for message size and return codes


Thanks for taking the time to check things out.  I haven't tried calling the script with another script, just Declude, so there are no cscript calls being made here.  I came across this old post where Scott provided some background though on the "ExitProcess" method:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg02589.html

I assume that this will work, but this isn't best practices for result codes from vbscript so far as I can tell, it was an old work around that could be used with VB4 when it didn't have the benefit of WScript.Quit.  I'll probably give that a try though.

Scott, is there a reason why Declude isn't accepting the result code from WScript.Quit?  Here's a sample piece of code that I was using to test:

    ----- Global.cfg -----
    EXTERNALTEST            external    30    "C:\IMail\Declude\test.vbs"      0    0

    ----- test.vbs -----



Colbeck, Andrew wrote:
Putting all of 60 seconds into this, Matt, I've the following I can help with:
Your link works great, so the method of calling it is probably suspect.  I haven't tried to check the return code in Declude, but in a mini-script it works fine.
Have you set the cscript host to be the default host?
cscript //H:CScript
Are you calling cscript.exe with command line parameters in your declude config file, e.g.
cscript temp.vbs //B //NoLogo //T:2
Here was my test for your link:
Listing of temp.vbs:
WScript.Quit (1);
// This line of code is never executed.
var i = 0;
Listing of calltemp.cmd:
cscript temp.vbs //B //NoLogo //T:2
@if errorlevel 10 echo errorlevel is 10
@if errorlevel 1 echo errorlevel is 1
@if errorlevel 0 echo errorlevel is 0
Results of running calltemp.cmd:
C:\temp\>cscript temp.vbs //B //NoLogo //T:2
errorlevel is 1
errorlevel is 0
which shows that all is right with the world.  Hope that helps some.
Andrew 8)
-----Original Message-----
From: Matt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 2:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] Test for message size and return codes

Kevin and Darin,

This is something that would be configured as an external test in Declude, and it's not calling any other programs so I'm not sure that cscript is useful here.  If I was calling something like Sniffer, I do understand that the call should be made with cscript though.  I also understand the limitations of scripted code vs compiled code, but I can do some basic scripting (most of my experience is in simple database ASP stuff) and test some ideas before finding someone to code it up as something that can be compiled.  For something as basic as checking just the file size, this should work plenty fast though, it doesn't even need to open the file.

The real issue that I have though is pumping out a result code from vbscript to Declude.  From my reading of things, the WScript.Quit method should do this, but it's not working.  BTW, there is no CScript.Quit method.  Here's the page on MSDN for WScript.Quit:"">

I can't find anything else in vbscript that is supposed to be used for returning a result code except for an old method for ExitProcess that existed before WScript.Quit came around.  Here's an example of that, but I'm not sure how to use it exactly, or even if that would work.

I'm more concerned that WScript.Quit is sending the exit code back to Declude in the wrong format, or possibly that you just can't use vbscript, or at least WScript to return a result code.

This one little script is only one of many little but useful things that could be done if I can get my hands around this.  I came across similar problems when I was trying to create a handler for Sniffer that would skip calling Sniffer if the weight was already high enough for my Drop setting.  I thought the problem was related to retrieving the result code from Sniffer, but it will echo it in testing, however I can't get it to Declude in proper result code format.


Darin Cox wrote:
Probably need to use cscript to call the vbs file like "cscript filesize.vbs d00000....smd"
Also, it would probably be much better to compile this into a C++ or C#/ console app.  Interpreted code like this runs a lot slower than compiled.  Haven't done tests for this in the past couple of years, but it used to be an order of magnitude faster for compiled over interpreted.

----- Original Message -----
From: Matt
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 3:53 PM
Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] Test for message size and return codes


I have tried scripting several different things with vbscript for use as external tests in Declude to no avail.  Here for example is a simple piece of code that can detect if a message is above or below a certain size:

Dim Args, oFSO, oFile

Set Args = WScript.Arguments
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oFile = oFSO.GetFile(Args(0))

If oFile.size > 102400 Then
    'Return a code of 1
    'Return a code of 0
End If

Set Args = nothing
Set oFile = nothing
Set oFSO = nothing

I have comments in there for the result codes because I tried the WScript.Quit(1) method and Declude doesn't pick that up.  From everything that I have read, it appears that this is the preferred method with vbscript (note that I'm not an expert in this area by any means), and the ExitProcess method indicated in your manual is an old work around that was appropriate (the only method) for old VB.

I've searched the Internet several times for a good example of returning a result code to Declude and I'm a bit stumped.  I was hoping that you or someone else has some vbscript examples that will work with Declude.  A lot could be done to add little functions like a test for size, which in my case, could be used to defeat certain filters that are targeted at zombie spam which are heavy on the BODY searches, such as GIBBERISH, !YDIRECTED, IPLINKED, and @LINKED (and I'm sure several more at least).


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MailPure custom filters for Declude JunkMail Pro.

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