
If this is related to Declude Virus, you need the download the BANNotify.eml file from the following location:

Customize the file for your own information (if you desire) and then place this file in your Declude directory. This will generate a bounce message for all messages that fail Declude Virus on a banned extension, but don't test positive for a known virus.


Bridges, Samantha wrote:

Hello all -

I need to create a bounce message for all messages not received because
they contained an attachment that was currently being blocked such as

Any direction on this would be greatly appreciated.  Or point me in the
right direction as to where I can obtain this information.


Samantha Bridges --- [This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (]

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-- ===================================================== MailPure custom filters for Declude JunkMail Pro. =====================================================

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