Thank you Matt
BTW, installed size.vbs and it is working great
----- Original Message -----
From: Matt
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 6:40 AM
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] Copy To

serge wrote:
thanks matt
let me see if i finally understand this
To and CC are in the headers but not BCC
the recepient can be either in To, CC, or BCC, and therefore may nit be in the header
when you say address used in smtp connection, you mean the recepient address, which is what we find in the Q.smd (called envelop??)
Am i correct so far ?


Finnaly, can we use ALLRECIPS and REALRECIPS in filters ?

 than, to answer the original question, we can have a filter test  "Monitor" with
and an action
MONITOR    copyto monitoracc 
Yes, however it would be generally recommended to use ALLRECIPS unless you have a specific need to use REALRECIPS.  REALRECIPS might not match the addresses contained in the Q file if those addresses are aliased or forwarded to others.  That is of course if I understand it correctly (it might do both, but not according to the way the documentation is written).

MailPure custom filters for Declude JunkMail Pro.

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