Title: Message
From a server on the network, you would have to have permissions to each machine to do that.  If you run Active Directory it's not a problem, though.  In fact, you could add the script Dave suggested to their startup to compile a report of pst sizes. 
I do run an AD domain here. 

That would be pretty easy to do with a _vbscript_. Create a FileSystemObject and have it access the file. That exposes most file properties, including filesize, as I recall. The script can send you an email if the file gets too large.  Run the script once a day using the task scheduler. 
Scripting writing is not one of my strengths so forgive the stupid question..would I not have to load some sort of .net framework on every workstation in order for this script to run?
I like the idea of using AD to have each workstation run the script as they log onto the domain, but I am not sure how to get this script to work on the individual machines.
Thanks for your time!

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