> I  am  in  the  process  of  adding  ORF  into  the  mix for address
> validation.  Can  you or others describe the process that you employ
> with ORF?

Two options in this area:

    (1)  a  simple  ASCII  text  file of the valid recipient addresses
    exported from your mailbox server directory

    (2)   an  LDAP  directory  server  populated  with  the  recipient
    addresses from your mailbox server directory

(1)  is  the method used by almost everyone using ORF to front mailbox
servers  other  than  Exchange.  It's  simple  to set up, but somewhat
cumbersome  to  maintain.  The cumbersome part is that when an updated
text  file  is  posted  to  the ORF server, it is not reread until the
service  is  restarted. For environments with a high add/change/delete
rate,  this  can mean a ton of service restarts. I appreciate the ease
of  this  scenario,  but  I'm uneasy about restarting Windows services
that  have not been specifically tested for this constant-restart type
of deployment. I thus use option (2).

(2)  is used primarily by those gatewaying for Exchange servers, since
ORF's  LDAP  query  (hard-coded  at  least  through 2.0) expects to be
hitting  an  AD server with Exchange's LDAP schema extensions applied.
However, it's possible to apply the extensions to an AD server without
actually  owning Exchange. You then import your mailbox server's users
into  this AD domain for your lookups. ORF's LDAP lookups occur either
in  real-time  or  from  a  periodically updated local cache, and they
never  require a service restart, which makes me a lot more comfy with
this  approach.  (It's  also possible to use OpenLDAP -- but _not_ the
OpenLDAP  that  comes  with  IMail,  unfortunately. I worked on an ORF
cookbook for a standard OpenLDAP with more extensions compiled in, but
decided in the end that it's a heckuva lot easier to use AD or ADAM.)


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

SpamAssassin plugs into Declude!

Defuse Dictionary Attacks: Turn Exchange or IMail mailboxes into IMail Aliases!

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