What made you think I was on IMail?  I'm using SmarterMail 2.6.

The Declude version I'm running is 2.0.6 (I purchased the product in July 2005).

AUTOWHITELIST is definitely not ON.

Here's a little snippet from the log file:

09/26/2005 01:25:17 39819112 Msg failed WEIGHT30 (Weight of 31 reaches or 
exceeds the limit of 30.). Action=HOLD.
09/26/2005 01:25:17.022 39819112 [2408] actionsdata[ i ] = [26 Sep 2005]
09/26/2005 01:25:17.022 39819112 [2408] ACTION_HOLD - holddir 
09/26/2005 01:25:17.022 39819112 [2408] ACTION_HOLD - datafile 
09/26/2005 01:25:17.022 39819112 [2408] ACTION_HOLD - recipfile 
09/26/2005 01:25:17.022 39819112 [2408] ACTION_HOLD - datahold 
[C:\SMARTERMAIL\SPOOL\spam\26 Sep 2005\39819112.EML]
09/26/2005 01:25:17.022 39819112 [2408] ACTION_HOLD - reciphold 
[C:\SMARTERMAIL\SPOOL\spam\26 Sep 2005\39819112.HDR]
09/26/2005 01:25:17 39819112 Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---> $1.56 per dose 
pmonkz qdvfg ouo 
09/26/2005 01:25:17 39819112 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  IP: ID: A3FF561BF4
09/26/2005 01:25:17 39819112 Tests failed [weight=31]: CATCHALLMAILS=IGNORE 
09/26/2005 01:25:17 39819112 Action(s) taken for [EMAIL PROTECTED] = IGNORE 
09/26/2005 01:25:17.022 39819112 [2408] Done Looping
09/26/2005 01:25:17.022 39819112 [2408] RecipFile( 
C:\SMARTERMAIL\SPOOL\proc\39819112.HDR );
09/26/2005 01:25:17.022 39819112 [2408] QUEUEFILE_SAVEFILE = newhdrfile = 
09/26/2005 01:25:17.022 39819112 [2408] QUEUEFILE_SAVEFILE = newemlfile = 
09/26/2005 01:25:17 39819112 Cumulative action(s) taken on this email = IGNORE 
09/26/2005 01:25:17.022 39819112 [2408] AlterMessage
09/26/2005 01:25:17.022 39819112 [2408] Subject = []
09/26/2005 01:25:17.022 39819112 [2408] Warning = [X-RBL-Warning: 
NOLEGITCONTENT: No content unique to legitimate E-mail detected.
X-RBL-Warning: CBL: "Blocked - see 
X-RBL-Warning: SORBS-DUHL: "Dynamic IP Addresses See: 
X-RBL-Warning: ROUTING: This E-mail was routed in a poor manner consistent with 
spam [2000010f].
X-RBL-Warning: WEIGHT6: Weight of 31 reaches or exceeds the limit of 6.
X-Declude-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
X-Declude-Spoolname: 39819112.EML
X-Declude-Note: Scanned by Declude 2.0.6 (http://www.declude.com/x-note.htm) 
for spam.
X-Declude-Scan: Score [31] at 01:25:17 on 26 Sep 2005
09/26/2005 01:25:17.022 39819112 [2408] Header = []
09/26/2005 01:25:17.022 39819112 [2408] Footer = [---
[This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus]
09/26/2005 01:25:17.022 39819112 [2408] MoveFile in AlterMessage - datafile = 
[C:\SMARTERMAIL\SPOOL\proc\39819112.EML] TempFile = 
09/26/2005 01:25:17.022 39819112 [2408] CreateHoldFolder parameter 
[C:\SMARTERMAIL\SPOOL\spam\26 Sep 2005\39819112.EML]
09/26/2005 01:25:17.022 39819112 [2408] Hold directory is 
[C:\SMARTERMAIL\SPOOL\spam\26 Sep 2005]
09/26/2005 01:25:17.022 39819112 [2408] Moving file to spam hold directory  
09/26/2005 01:25:17 39819112 ERROR: Could not move spam to hold!  Code: [2] 
Error String: [The system cannot find the file specified.] 
09/26/2005 01:25:17.022 39819112 [2408] Moving file to spam hold directory  
09/26/2005 01:25:17 39819112 ERROR: Could not move spam to hold!  Code: [2] 
Error String: [The system cannot find the file specified.] 

 -------- Original Message --------
> From: Matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 4:10 PM
> To: Declude.JunkMail@declude.com
> Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] opening a ticket with Declude support
> Gary,
> If you want help resolving this from the list members, it would be best 
> to post your Declude version and product levels, one such log snippet 
> for a message, and also your global.cfg and the associated 
> $default$.junkmail.
> I did note that you are using IMail 8.05, and I am on IMail 8.15 and 
> have no such issues, though I am not using the HOLD action, but instead 
> the COPYFILE action.
> There is a possibility that you have AUTOWHITELIST ON in your 
> global.cfg, and you have users than have themselves or others on their 
> own domain in their Webmail address books, and the effect of that would 
> be to whitelist the message if it came from a spammer that forged the 
> sender to match one of these entries.  This is a common thing for people 
> with AUTOWHITELIST ON to experience, though your description doesn't 
> match exactly the circumstances here.
> Chances are that your issues can be solved with changing your 
> configuration and it might well not be a bug.
> Matt
> Gary Steiner wrote:
> >I've been receiving a flurry of spam over the past two days where the spam 
> >gets delivered with no Declude header in the message. When viewing the log 
> >files, it seems that Declude scanned the message, found it to have a heavy 
> >spam weight, tried to move it to the hold directory, and failed with an 
> >error.
> >
> >I've reported this problem several times to Declude since I first installed 
> >the product back in July.  Its resolution has not been pressing, since the 
> >number of spams getting through has been relatively few.  However, for some 
> >reason over the past two days (coincidentally since 3.x came out) the number 
> >of these spams has increased dramatically, enough so that I've received 
> >complaints from my customers.
> >
> >The thing that the spams seem to have in common is that they are sent to 
> >multiple addreses within the domain.  The implication is that when the 
> >message arrives, it creates a single file in the spool folder, but since it 
> >is sent to multiple addresses Declude scans it more than once.  But since 
> >the file was already moved to hold from a previous scan, Declude experiences 
> >the file error and delivers the message anyway.
> >
> >
> >
> > -------- Original Message --------
> >  
> >
> >>From: "David Barker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 2:12 PM
> >>To: Declude.JunkMail@declude.com
> >>Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] opening a ticket with Declude support
> >>
> >>Hi Gary,
> >>
> >>Currently the we have the ticket response system temporarily disabled. As
> >>far as I am aware we have received all your messages. 
> >>
> >>The way to open a ticket is to send an email to support @ declude.com you
> >>can also submit a ticket using
> >>http://support.declude.com/Customer/SubmitTicket.aspx
> >>
> >>Under general circumstances, support emails are answered within 24 hours on
> >>business days. Which are Mon - Fri. If you feel that support is taking too
> >>long to respond please feel free to email me directly dbarker @ declude.com
> >>
> >>As for your support tickets,
> >>
> >>1. SmarterMail picking up on RBL's that Declude is not is currently under
> >>review and as soon as we have an answer to this I will let you know
> >>
> >>2. The header in the body is badly formed emails due to broken mail clients.
> >>This is not a bug in declude but we are currently looking into a way to
> >>bette handle these exceptions.
> >>
> >>3. AVAFTERJM        ON
> >>This is the way to have Declude EVA (Virus) run after Declude JunkMail,tthis
> >>directive is located in your virus.cfg file.
> >>
> >>What specific issues are you refering to with 2.x ? I will follow up on this
> >>and respond.
> >>
> >>David B
> >>www.declude.com
> >>
> >>
> >>-----Original Message-----
> >>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gary Steiner
> >>Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 12:01 PM
> >>To: Declude.JunkMail@declude.com
> >>Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] opening a ticket with Declude support
> >>
> >>It used to be that when I sent an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I would get
> >>an automatic reply like the following:
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >>>Thank you for submitting a ticket to support. Your ticket number is
> >>>      
> >>>
> >>[xxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxx].
> >>    
> >>
> >>>Please keep this ticket number for your records and include it in the
> >>>      
> >>>
> >>subject (including brackets) of all future emails regarding this issue.
> >>    
> >>
> >>>Thank You.
> >>>
> >>>Declude Technical Support
> >>>      
> >>>
> >>That doesn't happen anymore.  If I do get a reply from [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> >>it is usually from a specific support person like David Barker.  Other
> >>messages I have sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] received no response, and for
> >>all I know ended up in the bit bucket.
> >>
> >>How does one open a ticket with Declude support?  Is the email method no
> >>longer viable?  Should I be using the web site at
> >>http://support.declude.com/Customer/SubmitTicket.aspx ?
> >>
> >>I would love to download the 3.x upgrade, but I don't want to take on 3.x
> >>until I see resolution of the issues with 2.x.  Or at least a statement from
> >>Declude saying that all the problems I've been having with 2.x are fixed in
> >>3.x.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >---
> >[This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus]
> >
> >
> >---
> >This E-mail came from the Declude.JunkMail mailing list.  To
> >unsubscribe, just send an E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and
> >type "unsubscribe Declude.JunkMail".  The archives can be found
> >at http://www.mail-archive.com.
> >
> >
> >  
> > 

[This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus]

This E-mail came from the Declude.JunkMail mailing list.  To
unsubscribe, just send an E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and
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