> It seems that the VBS script only reads the OU that it is pointed to
> and does not go down the AD tree into sub-OUs. Is this correct?

Yes.  However, there's a way to manipulate the command-line options to
encapsulate  exchange2aliases  within  a batch file that loops through
the  OUs and calls e2a for each iteration. Here's an example using MS'
built-in LDIFDE LDAP client:

ldifde -f ou_list.ldf -s -r "(objectClass=OrganizationalUnit)" -p 
subtree -l dn -b <administrator username> <NT/2000 domain> <password>

for /f "skip=2 tokens=1*" %%i in ('find "dn" ou_list.ldf') do cscript 
exchange2aliases.vbs mail.broadleaf.local LDAP://%%j broadleaf.local

In  case  that isn't clear, the first part does deep recursion for all
OUs  in  a  domain  and  dumps the the list to a file. The second part
scans  the  file,  extracts  just the OU name from a bit of other junk
that LDIFDE throws in, and runs exchange2aliases against each OU.

You  could  also  manipulate  lots  of  other  stuff in the loop, like
changing the name of the IMail domain each time in concert with the OU
(if  you're  hosting  multiple exclusive subdomains that are linked to
each OU, for example).

> Am  I  correct  in  assuming  that  if an e-mail comes in during the
> operation of the script and if the e-mail address in question is not
> there at the time IMail will reject the message?

Well, there is always a possibility.

> The  way  to  mitigate this problem is to run the script at off-peak
> times but the possibility will always exist. Is there any way around
> this at present?

For  one,  the  possibility  won't  exist  if you stop the IMail SMTPD
service  first.

You  could  also  run ex2a with the -nc switch every night except, for
example,  the  last Friday of the month. This way, you'll keep deleted
users  around  longer  in  the  Registry  (which means that a hop-zero
bounce  would  be  generated  for  those  users  only,  rather  than a
rejection  at  the  envelope)  --  but you couldn't have issues with a
partial  Registry state except for that one night. And if you stop the
service that night, you eliminate the inconsistency worry altogether.

Anyway,  there's  no  built-in  way  to  stop this from happening. The
additional  CPU and complexity of true reconciliation (only deleting a
Registry key if it is marked for deletion in an interim file) isn't in
the development plan.

> I  suppose  I  could import the aliases to a fake domain in registry
> and  then  use  some tool to copy/move the registry entries from the
> fake domain to the correct domain after the script is done.

I wouldn't bother with this if I were you.

> Another  enhancement that I would like to suggest is that the script
> writes  the  registry  entries  to a file instead of directly to the
> directory  so  that  I  could  gather  the information and then very
> quickly  import  it  into  the registry. Also if it was written to a
> file  then  you  could send the file back to the client so that they
> could validate the list of e-mail addresses.

Well.  .  . maybe in the fuure. But why would you want to validate the
addresses  like that? It's not like the users don't exist in AD, since
ex2a  queries  AD  directly; you can't have a "false positive" for the
existence of an e-mail address in AD.

It  seems  like  you  want  the  list  for  some  other  purpose, like
accounting/billing.  You  could get the address list via other methods
--  there  are  tools  to just get that info. Also note that if you're
charging  per-human-user, you have to eliminate user aliases, and ex2a
does not discriminate between the two.


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

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