We have found that if one of the addresses is whitelisted, then every recipient's address gets whitelisted. This may be unique to SmarterMail/Declude. I don't remember having the problem with IMail, but we haven't used it in over a year.


Hi Brian,
Yes, this can be done with the Pro version. You can have per-user configurations. You can't not have Declude scan the mail, but you can set this individual's configuration to ignore all test results and deliver the mail. As far as I know, this shouldn't have any affect on other recipients of the email.

On 1/17/06, Brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have a customer who wants to receive all emails without having declude
check them for spam.

My question, is can this be done?

And then can it be done so that if a message comes in and it is a message
that contains their email address and several other email address on our
domain, that it can only be sent to their address prior to the spam checks?

I hope this makes sense.

Thanks in advance,

Brian T.


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