On Friday, February 29, 2008, 8:14:41 AM, David wrote:


>> 4) Review information on the Sniffer list about updating to the new  
>> service model.

DD> I should be on the latest version of Sniffer ... just renewed my  
DD> contract ... haven't made any changes to the configuration in months.

I've checked and I don't see telemetry from your SNF installation...
It's a good bet that you are running version 2.5 -- which is ok, but
the latest version is 2-9b1.5 - a late beta.

The beta is production ready -- it is only still "beta" because we are
adding a few features before calling it a release candidate -and
shortly after that - version 3.

The newest version is faster, more efficient, and more accurate.

Based on your description of the problem, moving to the newest version
of SNF will probably not solve your problem - but it may reduce the
system load enough to make a dent.

For scientific reasons (not changing too many things at once) you may
want to resolve your IMAP issue first, but that done-- upgrading to
the latest version of SNF is highly recommended.

One key reason that it might help in this case is that the 2.x version
of SNF uses the NTFS file system to track scan jobs and the new
version uses local TCP connections.

With the older version, when under extreme load conditions, the file
system can become so slow that SNF can't process messages quickly--
SNF scan jobs get killed off before they are completed, and the
message job files build up making the problem worse. This can be...
trouble ;-)

The new version does not use the file system at all except to access
the message files so it is immune to the overload problem described

Hope this helps,


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