Well this all looks good. if this invuribl app makes a log check it to see if 
you are getting hits; if you aren't that is a problem...

Additionally add dbl.spamhaus.org as an additional uribl test


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From: "IMail Admin" <imailad...@bcwebhost.net>
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2011 2:46 PM
To: Declude.JunkMail@declude.com
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] How effective should Inv-Uribl be?

I'm not quite sure what you mean.  In the Declude global.cfg file the
only reference to inv-uribl is

INV-URIBL     external
weight     "D:\imail\INVURIBL\INVURIBL.exe %WEIGHT%
%REMOTEIP%"     0     0

In the invUribl.exe.config file there is (in part):

<!-- This is the URI Blacklist That The URI Will Be Checked Against
<add key="URIBL_List1" value="multi.surbl.org" />

<!-- Weight added to the result code or custom bitmask total.
<add key="URIBL_Weight_List1" value="0" />

<!--Allows you to override the normal values for bitmasks for a custom
return weight-->
<add key="Enable_Custom_Bitmask_Values_URIBL_List1" value="true"

<!--If using multi.surbl.org see http://www.surbl.org/lists.html#multi
for which lists correspond -->
<!--to which bitmask values -->
<!-- BitValue_2 = comes from sc.surbl.org -->
<!-- BitValue_4 = comes from ws.surbl.org -->
<!-- BitValue_8 = comes from phishing data source (labelled as [ph] in
multi) -->
<!-- BitValue_16 = comes from ob.surbl.org -->
<!-- BitValue_32 = comes from ab.surbl.org -->
<!-- BitValue_64 = comes from jp data source (labelled as [jp] in multi)
<add key="URI_Bitmask_BitValue_1_Weight_URIBL_List1" value="0"
<add key="URI_Bitmask_BitValue_2_Weight_URIBL_List1" value="7"
<add key="URI_Bitmask_BitValue_4_Weight_URIBL_List1" value="2"
<add key="URI_Bitmask_BitValue_8_Weight_URIBL_List1" value="5"
<add key="URI_Bitmask_BitValue_16_Weight_URIBL_List1" value="3"
<add key="URI_Bitmask_BitValue_32_Weight_URIBL_List1" value="7"
<add key="URI_Bitmask_BitValue_64_Weight_URIBL_List1" value="10"
<add key="URI_Bitmask_BitValue_128_Weight_URIBL_List1" value="0"

<!--URI LIST 2-->
<add key="URIBL_List2" value="multi.uribl.com" />
<add key="URIBL_Weight_List2" value="0" />
<!-- BitValue_2 = comes from black.uribl.org -->
<!-- BitValue_4 = comes from grey.uribl.org -->
<!-- BitValue_8 = comes from red.uribl.org -->
<add key="Enable_Custom_Bitmask_Values_URIBL_List2" value="true"
<add key="URI_Bitmask_BitValue_1_Weight_URIBL_List2" value="0"
<add key="URI_Bitmask_BitValue_2_Weight_URIBL_List2" value="7"
<add key="URI_Bitmask_BitValue_4_Weight_URIBL_List2" value="0"
<add key="URI_Bitmask_BitValue_8_Weight_URIBL_List2" value="2"
<add key="URI_Bitmask_BitValue_16_Weight_URIBL_List2" value="0"
<add key="URI_Bitmask_BitValue_32_Weight_URIBL_List2" value="0"
<add key="URI_Bitmask_BitValue_64_Weight_URIBL_List2" value="0"
<add key="URI_Bitmask_BitValue_128_Weight_URIBL_List2" value="0"

<!--Enables the checking of the URI's name servers against an RBL.
<!--If the name servers are listed in the RBL the defined weight will be
<!--Max_Name_servers_To_Check - Sets the number of name servers to
check. -->
<!--If set to zero all name servers returned from the DNS query will be
<!--Bitmask_Skip_Options_Name_Server_RBLx - Bitmask value that allows
you to skip -->
<!--the associated Namerserver check if the URI is listed in the URI
list. -->
<!--Values: 0 - no skipping will occur. 1 - Skip Nameserver check if URI
was listed-->
<!--in a URI list. 2 - Skip if the URI's name server was already found
in he given -->
<!--blacklist.  This prevents double scoring.  These are
bitmask values and would -->
<!--be added together based on the options you want.-->

<add key="Enable_URI_Name_Server_Check" value="true" />
<add key="Max_Name_Servers_To_Check" value="3" />

<add key="Name_Server_RBL1" value="sbl.spamhaus.org" />
<add key="Bitmask_Skip_Options_Name_Server_RBL1" value="2" />
<add key="Name_Server_Return_Code_RBL1" value="*" />
<add key="Name_Server_Weight_RBL1" value="5" />

In the inv-uribl log file I find references to multi.surbl.org,
sbl.spamhaus.org, multi.uribl.com, and xx.countries.nerd.dk (where xx is a
country code such as ru).  All the lines that end in Total Weight = 0 don't
list any tests at all - they just resolve the IP.


From: Nick Hayer
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2011 11:21 AM
To: Declude.JunkMail@declude.com

Subject: re: [Declude.JunkMail] How effective should Inv-Uribl

What uribl
tests are you using and are you getting hits on them - check your logs..
suggesting you may need different tests - the one you are using may have
blacklisted you or are dead even...


MadRiverAccess.com|Skywaves.com Tech

US/Canada 877-873-6482
or International +1-802-229-6574
Emergency Support 24/7:
General and Non-Emergency support


From: "IMail Admin"
Sent: Friday, March 18,
2011 2:13 PM
Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] How
effective should Inv-Uribl be?

I'm still having trouble
with more spam seepage, so I've been looking at my
various tests. I noticed
that in the past, the Inv-uribl test caught 63-70%
of messages, but recently
it's only catching 56%. When I look at a lot of
the low value spam (messages
that barely get classified as spam), they
always have an Inv-uribl result of
score 0 range clean. Is it just that
this test is less effective now? Or
have I somehow messed up my

As an aside: I use DL
Analyzer to check these results. One this it always
does is give the average
weight/message and average weight/failed message.
Typically, these are
scores such as 45 and 46. Just lately I started get
results like -131,000
and -136,000. I don't know if this is another sign of
something broken in my
configuration or if the analyzer program has somehow


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