>I assume you want to use this list for bug reports / troubleshooting?

You can certainly use this list for bug reports and troubleshooting.  That 
way, it's possible that you can get a quicker response.

>I just did upgrade to ver 1.14 and started using the email alerts. Everthing
>is OK except for some reason the alerts are also sending an email to "CC"
>and the address that it is putting in the cc filed is not valid, it is a
>wierd truncated portion of our official hostname and it comes back as

There are 2 ways that I could see a "CC:" field getting in there (Declude 
doesn't use one internally).  One way would be if it was added directly to 
the template file (if there was a line beginning with "Cc:" in the template 
file before the first blank line).  The other way would be if there was a 
"-c" somewhere in the address, as that could confuse IMail1.exe into 
thinking that there was a different recipient.

Given that the address is mangled, I'm not such what is causing it.  If it 
is reproducable, you can set the debugging mode (by changing the line 
"LOGLEVEL LOW" in \IMail\Declude\virus.cfg to "LOGLEVEL DEBUG"), and send 
me the log file, which will show the exact information sent to IMail1.exe 
so I can see what is wrong.

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