I just noticed my Mcafee installs have a new Scan engine.

The new Mcafee scan engine - 4.1.50 was released on the 9/26.

CHECK YOUR VERSION.  Some versions of Mcafee's auto-update only update the
.dat files and and not the engine.

Most important addition from a Declude perspective -- TNEF support!


Excerpt from the 4.1.50 release notes:

The v4.1.50 McAfee scan engine included with this
SuperDAT package installer release has these
enhancements and new features:

-  Support for ACE (WinACE) Archiver

   The engine can now detect virus infections
   within files compressed by WinACE.

-  Support for additional packers

   The engine can now detect virus infections
   within files packed by PKLITE32, ELiTeWrap,
   Joiner, PEBundle, PEBundle Write-To-Disk,
   and tElock.

-  Support for newer versions of packers

   The engine can now detect virus infections
   within files packed by newer versions of
   Petite, ASPack, UPX, NeoLite, and PECompact.

-  Support for BZIP compression format

   The engine can now detect virus infections
   within files compressed by BZIP.

-  Support for additional LHA compression formats,
   LH6 and LH7

   The engine can now detect virus infections
   within files compressed by LH6 and LH7 variants
   of LHA.

-  Support for zcompress compression format

   The engine can now detect virus infections
   within files compressed by zcompress.

-  Support for PDF 5.0 files

   The engine can now detect virus infections
   in embedded objects within Adobe Acrobat
   PDF 5.0 files.

-  Default scanning for MIME formats

   Files in MIME format are now scanned by default.
   A 'nomime' switch has been added to command-line
   scanners to prevent MIME scanning, if required.

-  Improved scanning for MIME formats

   The engine can now detect virus infections
   within e-mail messages with non-standard
   MIME formats. The engine now scans all
   attachments and also any content that is
   not plain text.

-  Support for Unicode and Unicode big-endian
   saved scripts

   The engine can now detect virus infections
   within VBS and Java scripts saved in Unicode
   or Unicode big-endian format. (This format
   is found in Macintosh and UNIX files).

-  Support for Compiled Help files

   The engine can now detect virus infections
   within compiled HTML help files (Microsoft's
   .CHM files). This compressed format requires
   that the /UNZIP switch is used.

-  Support for Microsoft Exchange internal
   data-transfer format

   The engine can now detect virus infections
   within Microsoft Exchange e-mail files that use
   Transport-Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF).

-  Support for Internet Message Connector (IMC)
   Archive format.

   The engine can now detect virus infections
   within IMC mail archives.

-  Support for uncompressed VBA in Visio files

   The engine can now detect virus infections
   within uncompressed Visual Basic for
   Applications scripts in Visio files.

-  Improved heuristic analysis for 32-bit Windows

   The engine uses improved heuristic analysis
   within Microsoft Windows 32-bit executables
   enabling it to detect unknown virus infections.

-  Support for compressed RTF and HTML in
   Microsoft Outlook messages

   The engine can now detect virus infections
   within compressed data in Microsoft Outlook
   and Exchange e-mail messages.

-  Support for Outlook Express e-mail files

   The engine now scans within Outlook Express
   e-mail message (.EML) files by default.

-  Support for Script Component Type Libraries

   The engine can now detect virus infections
   within Script Component Type Libraries
   (.HTA files).

-  Support for NTFS streams (Applicable to
     Windows 2000 and Windows NT only)

   The command-line scanner can now detect virus
   infections within NTFS streams in an NTFS file.
   The colon (:) notation is understood, and
   a new switch, /STREAMS has been introduced.

-  Improved performance when scanning Windows 32 applications

   A new technology has been created for virus
   analysis within Windows 32 applications written
   in high-level languages.

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