What happens over time that there is so many "declude.exe" processes running
that it causes iMail to stop receiving email.  Is there anything on the
server that we should check for settings?  This is really a painful issue,
and I appreciate everyone's help.

You need to answer the proper questions. :)

How many E-mails do you send/receive per day on this server?

What are your current SCANFILE and REPORT lines from your virus.cfg file?

The "1 of 2 files not deleted" indicates that *something* deleted files from your server. Either that was [1] an on-access virus scanner, or [2] something wrong with your SCANFILE/REPORT lines in the virus.cfg file, or [3] some other program on your server is deleting files. If #3 (very unlikely), there is probably a very serious problem on your server. So that leaves #1 and #2.

For #1, are there any icons for AV programs in the "systray" (the small icons in the lower right side of the screen next to the time)? If so, you probably have an on-access virus scanner running.

Declude JunkMail: The advanced anti-spam solution for IMail mailservers.
Declude Virus: Catches known viruses and is the leader in mailserver vulnerability detection.
Find out what you've been missing: Ask about our free 30-day evaluation.

[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (http://www.declude.com)]

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