To my good buddies at Declude :) (ok, you made me very happy twice yesterday)

I understand that SKIPEXT JPG would cause files with JPG extensions to not be scanned with the virus scanners, but would that also disable the JPG/GDI+ Vulnerability detection?

Many of us stopped skipping JPG's and other associated files when the GDI+ exploits were first discovered, but they seem to have become duds as far as actively spreading viruses (though I have seen them on sites linked to in spam as a way to install spyware). JPG's however are fairly common in E-mail and it would be a big improvement to be able to skip scanning them, and if we were protected with the vulnerability detection, I would feel comfortable turning off virus scanning of JPG's until a mass-mailing virus is seen. I wouldn't want to leave myself completely unprotected however.



MailPure custom filters for Declude JunkMail Pro.

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