> By replacing controls such as the edit control you are alienating yourself
> from automatic updates if Microsoft ever changes or updates the way those
> controls work. In the near future Windows 2000 will be out and there may
> significant changes to the user interface (unlikely - but there may), and
> years down the track the user interface (or the logic behind it) may change
> again (for example if it ever goes over to 64bit). Programs written using
> the Microsoft components automatically gain any advantages provided by new
> versions of those components (such as an updated comctl32.dll) whereas your
> replacement controls will still be doing the same old same old. This is
> perhaps a non issue for simple controls such as the edit control (simple as
> in useage, not as in sound implementation) but with such wonders as tabbed
> notebooks etc this can be more relevant.

Another way to look at this is, what happens when MS break the current
controls - which they do with alarming regularity? Remember the
ImageList problems???

>From what I have seen on NT5 (beta 2 and B3 RC0) it is not that much
different - for UI controls anyway - than 3.1. NT4 is pretty much no
different, just a few
new ones.

yet another way to look at it is, if they change them and your customers
need them, build them in! If MS changes theirs, and it breaks your app,
you are going to have to do a rewrite (well, some of a rewrite)

Just my 0.02c.

    New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                  Website: http://www.delphi.org.nz

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