Thanks for the kind offer Paul, but its Version 3 that is really giving me a hard time. I had version 2 pretty well patched up already. When I purchased Delphi 4 last year, I automatically moved to version 3, just assuming that QR would come right within a few months. Now I have about a 50 reports out "there" which I seriously regret doing in QR.
If anybody has done anything with the particularly gross preview problems in V3, I would be pleased to hear about it.
Hrmm, ain't that the truth. Tony, I have a version of the QR 2 codebase that has been patched (by me)and works with Delphi 4. That at least avoids all the bugs they added in QR 3. Provided you have a source license for the full QR, I don't see any legal reason why I couldn't supply you with a copy of that. Drop me a line if you think it might help.

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