There has been a fair bit of discussion on the group about _how_ to do
copy protection.

To me the biggest question is whether to do it or not. I don't suggest
giving your software away, but simply having the name of the company
that purchased the software written on all output & always on screen
might be a better approach.  

In the past I worked for a company that owned an accounting package (I
won't mention names), that had environment security (disk ID's at least)
built in.  We ran it off a Novell server, and whenever we upgraded the
server (which was fairly often - I kept added disks & tweaking volume
layout), then we had to _pay_ for a support call to get a new security

Given that I could have just stolen the software, told them I had
replaced the disk & got a new code anyway, I really did not see the

I can't imagine what would happen with software that checked Disk ID's
was loaded onto a NT2000 server running a Hierarchical Storage
Management System. 

Grant Black
Software Developer
SmartMove (NZ) Ltd
Phone:     +64 9 361-0219 extn 719
Fax  :     +64 9 361-0211

    New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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