Oh, hell - please dont. If you must, CC Matt in if he want's to be a voyer.

IMO, which is just as valid (or not) as anyone elses, crossposting between
seperate LISTS is fine - if people are on both lists, thats their problem.
Posting the same question to delphi@, offtopic@ and interbase@ is NOT a
fine, tho.

Crossposting in news was frowned upon because people posted to stupid
groups, and posted stuff like "get your free porn here" to 101 groups with
such massive relavancy as alt.pets.cats and such. If they had of posted it
to alt.sex.fetish and alt.sex (for example :) ) it would most likely have
been fine - or atleast, a lot better.

So, in this case, I have to give Donvan the right-of-way - sorry Carl. As I
said, me saying this really doesn't count for anything, tho.

And, in answer to the question, the DSM file is a Delphi SyMbol file - it is
a dump of the symbol table (eg, you say i : integer, it stores the string
"i" with the type "typInteger" (for example) and a reference to where it is
(@C456FD) - so you can do handy things like code insite, that nifty
ctrl-enter and ctrl-click thing etc.

They do get a bit big at times tho - just delete them if you like, they get
remade when you rebuild anyway.

Nic Wise - 021.676.418 / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / Inprise/Borland New Zealand
Is it not a foolish man, said little Woo, who keeps all his chickens in his
For at best, will he not suffocate his chickens, and, and worst, will he not
disappoint the ladies in the village?  --Alexi Sayle

    New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                  Website: http://www.delphi.org.nz

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